Then eat and actually wanna watch "the punisher" but failed so watched "Love matters"
Does my face don't look like over 16?WTH check me-.-
Today woke up at 2.2x p.m. was waken by ZH phone call telling me to meet THEM*(the clique)
So prepared and went to meet them at tiong,brought ticket and waited for wendy and watched "大喜事"(:
It's a so-so movie..went home and rot~~
I'm staring into space just now and suddenly i recalled my childhood~cool yea?
Don't know why,i felt really really weird right now and confuse,i don't know what i'm confusing..
i can't fall to sleep..and god's sake tommorow have to go school...
I really hate school this much..People are enjoying their secondary school but not me,i don't know why..I've no good friends in school,no best buddy.Maybe i'm too cold..Am i?
There will never be someone always there for you,everyone will leave one day,that's what one of my friend told me.
Boku no Hana
Artist: Goi Michiko
Publish parts of: Song from"Densen Uta"movie
ie no chikaku no senrou ni
chiisana hana ga saiteta
hikage de utsumuku you ni
dare ni mo kitzukarenai mama...
nandaka... nandaka...
yaru senaku naru
nandaka... nandaka...
hakanaku mieru
naze boku wa kono yono naka ni
umareta no darou?
aoi densha ga tootte
kaze ni hana ga yureteru
ima ni mo tobasare sou na
namonai chippoke na sonzai
HONTO ni... HONTO ni...
itooshiku naru
HONTO ni... HONTO ni...
dareka ni niteru
naze boku wa kono katasumi de
ikiteru no darou?
sore demo namonai chiisana hana wa
Boku no Hana lyrics on
kagiri aru kisetsu wo seiippai saki tsutzukete
itsu no hi ka kareru sono doki ga kuru made
jibun kara tsuchini wa narimasen
nandaka... nandaka...
yaru senaku naru
nandaka... nandaka...
hakanaku mieru
shiroi hanabira
HONTO ni... HONTO ni...
itooshiku naru
HONTO ni... HONTO ni...
dareka ni niteru
naze boku wa kono katasumi de
ikiteru no darou?
ie no chikaku no senrou ni
chiisa na hana ga saiteta
dare ni mo kitzukare nakutemo
koushite boku dake wa miteru
Near my house there delicately
Bloomed a small flower
In the shade it drooped its head
As no one noticed it
Why, oh why has it become helpless?
Why, oh why does it all seem so fleeting?
Why have I been
Born into this world?
A blue train passes
And the flower sways from the wind
Even now as it flies about
A nameless, pretty existence
Truly, oh truly this design has become regrettable
Truly, oh truly it resembles somebody
Why am I living
In this corner?
Nevertheless, the nameless flower
In this limited season spitefully continues to bloom
Until the day comes when it withers
It will not be from me to the earth
Why, oh why has it become so helpless?
Why, oh why does it all seem so fleeting?
These white petals
Truly, oh truly this design has become regrettable
Truly, oh truly it resembles someone
Why am I living
In this corner?
Near my house there delicately
Bloomed a small flower
Even though nobody noticed it
In this way only I watched it
2:46:00 AM
Sorry!i trust you!Don't angry ok?
I just ask my friend cause she stay nearer there and so i think she should be more familiar,i don't want to waste your time,cause i know your time is packed today..
I'm really really sorry!Sorry for making you feel useless=(
But still thank you for accompany me(:
Forgive me ok?
8:48:00 PM
I hope the world will end,Why people suicide?
Because they think that they don't have the sense of belonging in this world.There's nothing left to do in this world.The world is so disastrous that they prefer to die rather than living in this crap world.Because they are too lonely,no one save them from the loneliness.
I thought of suicide before,that's how i feel maybe?
How i wish there's a song that can let you suicide.
People will be sad if you die?crap!why don't they care for you when u are alive?rather than after you die than they care?
Humans are like that,when you are alive they don't care you,after you die,they cry like hell..
God create human?BULLSHIT!Where is god? come out la!i don't believe in god.
Some people believe in god because they don't have anything to rely on!
Guess i'm venting my anger on words..
12:37:00 AM
So tell me your name
Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all?
I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside I wanna feel
I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive
To know I'm alive
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
Do you believe, in the day that you were born
Tell me do you believe?
Do you know, that everyday's the first of the rest of your life
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
This is to one last day in the shadows
And to know a brother's love
This is to New York City angels
And the rivers of our blood
This is to all of us, to all of us
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
You can tell me all your thoughts, about the stars that fill polluted skies
And show me where you run to, when no one's left to take your side
But don't tell me where the road ends, cause I just don't wanna know, No I don't wanna know
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Today (ALL) didn't went to school =o
Went to BY's house then listen to her ranting about HER again~~~
Why don't you just give up on her?
There's so many better than her la!nono in fact all is better than her lor!
But there's something that she's really good,Acting!And give her the golden horse award liao lor!
After that meet KSB at her place then went eating with her cousin and granny(:
Then went to JE's pasamalam,at first i thought is the worst pasamalam i ever seen but after that BY,KSB and me went to Holland de more worst-.-
C. come then after awhile KSB and i went home le~~
While waiting for bus C. and BY came and i got a shock!
they were going to HER place if i'm not wrong-.-
12:40:00 AM
I know u all are joking about me,i just don't wanna scold it out.
I've tolerate enough,Stop joking about me can?is it very funny?
If u think it is and continue joking,Just fuck off my life!
Friends?this is what u all call friends?
If you all want to joke,Why can't you joke at others rather than our own clique people?
Sometimes i want myself to be malay,because they always joke at others but not their friends.
Don't you are care about others feeling?
Fiona,i'm not living at my own world,i'm just doing the right thing!i've done nothing wrong,why should i get this kind of attitude?
Maybe i've done wrong,why don't you all tell me?
I hate people joke about their own friends.
You all know who i refering to,Stop acting blur!
I've always know u all are badmouthing about me.Just that i'm tolerating.
Friends are not meant to be joke about!
8:43:00 PM
Studying sucks to the core!Singapore sucks too!-.-even though i'm singaporean..
Some would say what for ranting about this,in reality u are still in singapore..True..i'll make my way not to be in singapore!
My home sucks!my life too..Lifeless!
I'm not emoing please ok..
Just freaking out what i've in mind..
You all should watch this movie"suicide circle"Watch "Suicide Club" Movie
Anyway anyone wanna tag please kindly leave your link ok?(: thank you^^
cause i don't know how to reply you all when i don't have your link.
Does study really help in work? simple maths can do it isn't it?
Why do we have to study algebra and all those sciences things when it don't apply in work in the future?
2:35:00 AM
Pangseh call true friends?
everytime say true friend true friend,then ps me..
Forget it,now i know what TRUE FRIENDS are..
Now i don't know what friends are for..
Sometimes you had to go to people?but now even i want i've no one to go to.
Feel like going back to the past.
10:32:00 PM
True Ip man and my idol bruce lee(:
But they are both dead....
Finally got this blogskin that i like,hope you all like it too(:
Went out with GBY!
Then with GH!
And went home le~~
Tmr have school;( don't feel like going,but must go~~(Being Force)
Ohya...Must watch movie"海角七号" &"Ip man"
Must listen Songs:海角七号 by 东来东往,幸福不灭 by 罗志祥,Just Dance by Lady Gaga,同一个遗憾 by 潘玮柏,野玫瑰 by 范逸臣,When i grow up by The Pussycat Dolls,Hot 'N Cold by Katy Perry...and continue~~too many to mention.
2:38:00 AM
My life is a disaster,my mind is confuse,i'm stress.
I'm the passerby in all of you all life.
I'm not important.
I'm not emoing.
I'm just saying what i want to say.
If you gonna say,u are important to me,let me feel it.
Don't say crap to me.I won't appreciate that.
I'm an asshole,I'm a jerk,i don't pity people.
I do what i want.
I care about others feeling,but do you all care about mine?
I'm lonely,who's there for me?NO ONE.
Forget what i said,forget me.
How i really wish 2012 is real.
"Life is beautiful"is a bullshit.
I hate people giving me attitude.
So if you want give me attitude,fuck off my life.
And stop finding excuses in your life.
Counting down to the end of the world.
11:44:00 PM