Today was quite bored....
Nothing to do haiz....
Was kinda alone for the whole day in school...
After school Im hock kanna di siao,damn funny^^hahahhaa PCK!!!
Then went to eat with zhao hong,sedara they all,saw quite a number of friends=)
After eating went home straight away lor....
Tmr NO SCHOOL!!!but had to wake up early-.- going play soccer with JZ friends.
But i think it's better than staying at home rot bah^^
If i never go school please don't angry with me=)
I'll try to come school^^
9:43:00 PM
Went to play soccer,injured my leg again-.-
Slipper spoiled=(
Tmr gonna buy shoes^^
Anyway do you all know what is ghost?
Ghost is a wandering soul that exist in the middle of 3 dimension.
They exist in the world because they are regret,something that hasn't been done and they wanted to do it before they leave here.
They too miss their family,Or their hatred made them stuck in this world.
Anyway i wrote this because i'm bored hahaha.
Gotta go le byebye=)
Believe in what u see but don't believe in what u think.
8:20:00 PM
Study till 6+ lor,very guai hor,haha.
After studying went void deck wait for jian zhong they all,then went to clark quay watch soccer^^
The screen was so big lah! hahaha alot people watching together but in the end the score is 2:1 Chelsea Vs Manchester United.The referee sucks DROGBA SUCKS!!!!!
Anyway after watching went to roti prata shop eat,i ate Nasi goreng sambal seafood ^^ so nice lor^^hehe
Then saw zhao feng etc.....not gonna name all^^
Went to the lan shop next to it and saw shaun and Wangqian=)
Then i went home,but dunno why zhao hong they all come to my hse-.-
Then went to playground and play^^keke
So long never have so much fun le even though it's kinda childish^^
Hmmm anyway hor got to go le lah!
The Past...
1:23:00 AM
Today went school,was late.Stupid kung need us say pledge till so loud for what-.-say 3 times leh.
Today had english and chinese paper 1,hmmm can say i don't know what i'm writing about.
Went home straight after exam,was bored and cabal for awhile.
Was watching "10,000BC","The Eye" & "Step up 2".
The eye is nice de lor^^
I wonder what i'll do if i had those eyes.
Ohya i just watch Naruto shippuden 56 finally subbed.
Next episode is at 8/5/08^^
I found out that someone Blog the words that are write on top:
[x] Tag before you leave.
[x] If you are here to create trouble please fuck off
[x] Please DO NOT SPAM, thank you.
[x] You can click the red button on the top right hand corner IF you arent happy.
[x] Read and enjoy.
[x] Do come back again :)
[x] Please put your real name in the tagboard.
Are very very similar to me-.-
Try to be more creative please,i hate people copying.IT'S COPYRIGHT.
Anyway I saw a vampire at class today guess is who? "JUNDA"
Hahahaha,i laugh quite loud sia,Paiseh~
Anyway gotta goo,ciaos=)
Blast out the BAssS
6:33:00 PM
Tmr having exam le siao liao later i do half way fall asleep song liao...
Just upload 2 songs to imeem hmmm kinda bored so i put here^^
Anyone now is awake!!!!!
I'm so bored=(
Wish i'm not sick tmr,or getting any stupid illness.
Not like last year please.
Currently have a urge to watch Naruto Shippuuden 56,but haven't subbed yet-.-
Anyway gotta go le=)
3:21:00 AM
About 2 + went to meet arthur at tiong park,then when i reach there,so many people lah.
I didn't know why until onery they all tell me,got 2 case, 1 is danial and zhi yong,1 is brendon and Junda.
Haiz.... don't know them la,it's kinda childish...
Watched xiao pang and junda de then went to tiong meet zhao hong,pai seh make you wait so long haha.
Saw tricia and jun jia at LJS=) So long never see them le,she gave me the invitation card for her party and saw a article about a friend of mine,not suppose to say.
Anyway went to Mac eat then meet eugene,they came to my house for awhile then went to kim seng cc study but it's close!-.-
So went to LJS study lor, saw tricia and jun jia again but this time with kevin and alvin.
Nah bei what's wrong with you ar?i where got xia lan you?siao ah...
You got problem with me,chiong to me la,don't backstab here backstab there la bo lan jiao ar?K'nn i enough of your backstabbing liao don't act nice in front of me la.
Anyway study for 2 hrs + then eugene went home.
Went to buy bread for my dinner,didn't have appetite to eat.
Then came home le,watched Bleach 168 finally out^^
Oh ya tmr english exam-.-
Wish everyone good luck=)
Gotta go le byebye=)
Rap dezz core!!
9:32:00 PM
Hmmm sleep till 2 pm then zhao hong called me to play soccer,this is the last time before exam going to play le,today got 9 people playing^^hehe.
After playing soccer went home and wait for arthur cause gonna eat bah kut teh,ate with arthur,zhao hong,jian zhong and kevin.
Chat chat for awhile and called calvin house di siao hahaha,damn funny la^^
After eating went home le,was botting cabal^^haha.
I heard that i scored the highest in my class for MT don't know real anot.
Hey i don't believe you are the one who did this,Please tell me you didn't do it my friend.
Anyway gotta go le byebye=)
Rage of fire.
10:35:00 PM
Pe- do 5 stations isn't very good haiz...
Shutter run timing disappoint me=(
Anyway english lesson check bag cause tanoto Wax gone missing-.-
Ms thng went for course so maths is a free period,did nothing but stare into space.
Recess-eat lor damn fuckdup by the vendor say what cannot take bottle and pour it to a cup which cannot fully occupy the water,somemore the remaining must drink in front of them asshole....
After recess is Physics-don't know why today physics lesson damn fun,i keep asking questions ^^:D,then delay abit of 3X time because i keep asking=x
After that CD- got a paper that can let us choose what we wanna be in the future,i've selected 4 courses point is from 12~26 haha i think i can get if i doing "o" level bah.
Then Ss-fucking teacher keep shout here shout there somemore with microphone-.-
I didn't care and sleep soundly in the class until Gladys tan called me for TPI,we walk and talk for 3 mins then can go liao hahaha.
After school went home,then bot Cabal and went to sleep le,hmmm later maybe go and eat cause now damn hungry hahaha.
Gotta go le,byebye.
What if.....
10:40:00 PM
我不管 说我笨 说我蠢
我受了伤 我中了招
我忍着伤 我忍着痛
越陷越深 怎么才好
你犯了错 你闯了祸
你背着我 你遇见他
一错再错 怎么才好
我不管 说我笨 说我蠢
只要我爱就好 不知道
我受了伤 我中了招
我忍着伤 我忍着痛
越陷越深 怎么才好
你犯了错 你闯了祸
你背着我 你遇见他
一错再错 怎么才好
我不管 说我笨 说我蠢
只要我爱就好 不知道
Today didn't go school,can't wake up.
Sleep until 2pm then wake up play cabal and went down my house for lunch.
Didn't go out today at all.Exam coming le+my mood isn't good now haiz....
How?I can do de is to study only.
Tmr should be have 5 stations if have PE.
Still having headache now.
Nothing to blog about le,going out to drink.Bye.
Maybe i'm too irritating.
10:53:00 PM
Think that i'll keep waiting.What if she's gone with other guy?
I don't know what i'll do.
I may do something very foolish.Or maybe torture myself?I don't know,i'm damn confuse now.
What if she don't even have feeling for me.
I don't dare to ask her,if she have any feeling for me.
Maybe let times decide it.
But i never bow to the fate.
I feel like killing myself now.
Why do i think so much?
I'm getting headache now.
I feel like crying out now.
I can say 1/2 of my life has sad memories the rest are all blank,waiting for times to fill it with sad/happy memories,i don't know.
I don't want to face the negative destiny,do i have positive ones?
Why everytime i only have sad memories to remember,do i even have a happy memories,a truely happy memory i can remember?
Maybe not,cause i'm sad everytime,sometimes i don't even know myself.
11:19:00 PM
Yesterday night at tiong park.
This guy kapok my beer-.-
This photo like i very tall hor
Talking to the creditor.
This guy here loss $150 for betting soccer.server him right^^
Steamboat near bugis street
At bugis outside kinokuniya
The birthday card we do for him,Big right?(Yesterday celebrate this guy(Edward) birthday=) )
Today sleep till 10+ woke up by whye wah-.-
So early call me want play bball anot siao kia.
Anyway continue sleeping till 12+
Then wake up play Cabal.
Was rotting the whole day.
Not in the good mood now as i heard bad news,don't ask me what bad news because i'm going to tell anyone.
I'm really very emotional right now,hope that tomorrow no one irritate me.
Esp those who irritate me before.
Fucking hell don't irritate me.
Gotta go anyway byebye.
Am i 自作多情?
Mood:Damn bad.
10:02:00 PM
After that zhao hong they all come my house do edward's birthday card is super big de lor^^hahaha.
Then go edward's house and gave it to him=)
Rest there for a while then went to meet lian jie and gave her,her present and we went to take bus to Suntec city.
Reach there and watched "Forbidden Kingdom"quite nice and funny must watch!!!!
After that went to bugis and have steam boat for dinner,then to tiong park and slack there for awhile,then home le.
Took alot of pictures today,may update the picture soon=)
Just finished talking to Dumbdumb hahaha=x
Went to sleep le hor PIG^^
Anyway gotta go le,byebye=)
Write your own fate by yourself and not by fate.
4:18:00 AM
Then went home sleep for awhile,then went Ssc play soccer till now.Injured my leg some how but still can walk.
Tmr is gonna be a busy day muahaha+) Celebrating edward's and lian jie's birthday^^
Now not really have interest in playing game le,don't know why jsut suddenly dun feel like playing le.
Now the most i wanna learn is to play "sadness and sorrow","hokage funeral" this 2 musics,who can teach me? Anyway got to go le byebye=)
Passerby in my life.
10:14:00 PM
Went to eat Mac myself,lonely and was raining.
So i walk in the rain and went home.
3.30 meet zhao hong and hong hui at Mac then went to top up my ez-link card($10).
Then went to bugis shop and eat yoshinoya($4.50),brought friends present total up i pay ($9.50).
Brought my watch($10), and jeans i think is jeans bah not sure($29).
Then went to cut my hair at Creative($10),then home le.
Now nothing to do haiz......Rotting at home.
Total up today i spend:$10+$4.50+$9.50+$10+$29+$10=$73.
Alot lor-.- godamit,i still need to buy Street soccer shoe and bag.
Anyway got to go le,STONING.bye.
Wait for you.
9:37:00 PM
It's so sad and sorrow.
I felt death.
i've never heard a song so sad and sorrow except"never meant to belong"
It's makes me so sad out of it.
But it's nice to hear.
Can recall the past,the past i always won't forget.
The miserable past i had.
The lonely me,the one who almost die 7 years ago.
Haha it's true that i'm lucky to survive the incident.
Anyway got to go bye.
"I'll never forget the past that was so miserable,even if i wanted to i just can't"
9:35:00 PM
Hmm Exam around the corner ler,so must study le=( EVERYONE GAMBATEH!!!
After school went to Mac eat with heamen,zhao hong,muruku,arthur,ming soon and calvin.
Ming soon damn suay bo tai bo ji kanna scold and hit by a old man so we called the police and settle the problem but he old man went before the police came,Police so slow-.-
Anyway i went home and then went to Ssc play soccer when i reached there,there were so many people,i wonder why.then play awhile a lady came and ask if they can use the court anot because they are filming a advertisement.
So we let them have the court^^see we so kind.
After soccer when home le,so i just reach home and posted this entry^^
Later hor don't know who say i never blog ma....haha you should know who you are hor.
Anyway gotta go le=) byebye.
6:29:00 PM
Those who know shhhhh....or else hor i kill you^^haha joking.
The post before this last sentence was a mistake,REALLY!!
Anyway today went to school,have 2.4km run and i FAIL!!!!first time ever...
Was having difficulty in breathing,heart,leg,stomach pain.not normal pain really very very pain don't know why.
Wasn't feeling well after PE.Until the end of the day then i felt abit better haiz... i'm so weak=(
Today maths test!!!Goddammit i didn't do the last question,i was rushing the time limit was too short-.-
After school went to eat Mac with zhao hong and ming soon,saw sam leong the chef in the TV.
Then went home play cabal le,was botting all the way haha.
Anyway gotta goo le cyaa byebye^^
Currently having fever=(
"Can you be with me?"
6:39:00 PM
Did nothing much but study study study....So it's kinda bored.
After school went home play cabal awhile and went to sleep le ^^hehe
I'm gonna be pig ok^^haha
Sorry ah low cause i've been playing cabal so cannot call you chat paiseh paiseh,and i thought you got your johnathan liao?still need me chat with u meh??hehe joking joking^^
Anyway whose BIGHEAD??
Good question is Cabalsea fun?
Hmm... to me it's kills time for me,fun?okok bah.
Also no one jio me out i at home sure play game or sleep mah,if not i've nothing to do liao.
Exam coming le!!!!! the timetable is out.2 more weeks to SA1 exam.
Hmmm not really scared only for chem/phy and Poa cause i'm weak in that and i seldom went to the class,eheheh.
And seems like yesterday got taji at tiong park hor?Haha who go back to their words are totally humji kia,own problem ownself settle don't call people down.
I hate those who call outside people when it's school problem,Bo lan jiao ar?
Even i don't know you,you should be scolded.
Anyway i shouldn't care about these childish people.
Gotta go now byebye=)
"Don't ask who i like cause you should know it better than anyone else"
4:06:00 AM
Morning went to market buy food for mother to eat and myself too la.
Went home play cabal all the way till 1+pm i think,then sleep le.
Till now lor nothing to do much.
Someone going be pig now liao le haha=x
Anyway gonna go back play cabal le,currently lvl 56 ^^
12:15:00 AM
After wake up started playing cabal.Nothing special happen today.
Felt moody currently,cause of a song,a song that i can't forget in my lifetime,a song that bring sorrow,sadness.
"Never meant to belong"means i shouldn't be in this world in the beginning, so i should left this sorrowful world as it's being torn apart,that's what i think when i listen to this song.Kinda emo haha.
This song is from bleach,the first time i heard this song was when i was tonning at my friends house and someone on this.
Some people say it's weird some people says it's sad.For me i felt that this song is hurtful and sad.
What do you all think?
Currently trying to quit smoking=)
I'll try my best de i promise.
Waiting,waiting waiting......waiting for your yes....
3:13:00 AM
Reach school le went to buy Poa file=)
Now then i know Poa quite easy if you make an effort to learn.
Anyway did nothing except study at school.
After school straight away went home and fell asleep cause i'm really really tired.
9+ woke up and play cabal for awhile then went to eat with arthur at henderson market.
I saw.... I felt .... even though it's been so long the face .... she gave me makes me feel sad.
Anyway after eat arthur came to my house for awhile and went home.
Saw heamen,zhao hong,jon,murugan,jun yang and kannan at my house there,i was quite stun they at there.Talk for awhile then went home play cabal again le.
Finally can make adept item^^ so happy.
Anyway gotta go now le byebye=)
Feeling are hard to fade,even though we aren't friends anymore.
2:03:00 AM
Today didn't went school was sleeping at home.
Slept till 3+ then wake up and play cabalsea,finally lvl 50^^
Didn't went out at all,all i did today was sleeping and cabaling=)
Ohya for those who play cabalsea(Mars server only).Add me:EvanderHolyfield.
Gotta goo now byebye=),Have a nice day!
Memories left,but the feeling will always strong.
3:57:00 AM
Anyway 1st 2 period MT-hmmm kinda bored nothing to do so see shang yang play psp and played it for a while thanks=)
After that is Emaths- Ms thng damn fuck lor,say what must wait until the class is clean then come in,we took 10 mins to clear all the rubbish-.- somemore say what some of you don't like dua peh gong there sit and wait for people to do for you,isn't that referring to me-.-
2 period EL- Summary test,hopefully i will pass bah+D
Then recess le=) arthur had been acting very weird today don't know what happen to him....
Making me very pek chek at the next 3 period of POA- Did chapter 5 i was able to understand finally i was able to understand what's palan is talking haha.
Last period-Character development, hmm all we did was a paper so bo liao.
What's my skill i wrote "Playing with fire!!!" hahaha then miss tan stun and told me rewrite^^hahaha.
After school actually wanna go for NAHFA what alot people don't wanna go so i also never go,thought have play soccer but in the end that stupid arthur-.-
Anyway went to Kopitiam ate grilled fish,it's kinda salty?haha
Then reach home at 3 and went to sleep till 9.
Currently playing Cabalsea^^
Gottt ttaa GOO!!!BYEBYE=D
10:53:00 PM
Today went to school,while walking to school something strange happen.i was walking on a path which is straight but when i blink my eyes i was at the grass patch,kinda weird,but didn't care about it much=)
Hmmm today have MT test and actually have eng test de but cancelled so change to wednesday and tmr have maths test,after school have ENG oral.Can say did quite well bah.I was relieve when the examiner praise me^^
Then went to tiong eat Long john with arthur and came my house slack awhile then went to bermina court play Bball.
Then went home liao don't know want sleep or cabal leh..
Anyway gotta go byebye=)
9:46:00 PM
Was playing Cabalsea for the pass 5 hours haha.
Today can say never go out until 8+.
Meet arthur for dinner at subway then went home cabal again.
At 11 wei kuen called me then meet and went to petrol station buy things,actually wanna buy beer but they say after 12 cannot buy for all petrol stations,i didn't know that there's such law-.-
But we went to a coffee shop and drink heaniken=)
Then we chat there and went home.
Now level 41 le muahaha^^
Later going school don't know will kanna scold anot cause the pass few school days i didn't go cause having stomachache and wasn't feeling well after that.
Anyway i've kinda abit recover=)
Gotta gooo see yaaaaaa!!! byebyeeeee.
What hurts the most,was been so close.
1:34:00 AM
Then i went back to sleep again,then zhao hong call again,haiz....then wake up go play soccer with zhao hong of course,jian zhong,jian sheng,alvin,eugene,kah wee,martin,edward.Then saw eng teng group of friends.i didn't play with them cause too tired le haha but the others did while kah wee and martin went first.
After playing went to Earth(Teh keu) to eat.We saw 2 old guys quarreling don't know quarrel for what.the older guy quite angry bah wanna use bottle whack the person but he didn't haha.
After eating went to alvin's house play mahjong for 2 rounds then went home bath and meet zhao hong,alvin and jian zhong then went to liquid kitchen which was at river valley,don't ever go to that stupid bar,it's so damn irritating,i've ordered drink already the whatever boss/worker keep asking do you want drinks,can't i just peacefully watch a soccer match-.-
Anyway after watching the Arsenal Vs Liverpool match which was 1:1 then we went to the nearest roti prata shop and eat=)
Then went home and watch naruto shippuden 54 finally sub=D
Then It's time to Cabal^^ hehe
till now lor as someone told me to update again hahaha^^
Anyway gotta gooo!!!! BYEBYE,Have a nice day =)
Hide in my shadow...
2:34:00 AM
hmmm this few days never went to school cause don't know why keep stomachache.
Today stay at home the whole day,play cabal after i woke up,now playing the new server(Mars).
Kinda bored at home haiz...
Now got some stupid new rules in school about late and no coming to school.
All is crap la,ji bye they think if people late must give demerit point they will come when late meh?
Dumbass sia,if i late i sure don't come school liao if got demerit point.
If don't have this rules how late i am i also come lor but now got these rules,i think alot of people also will do the same things as me.
Currently now waiting for my Cabal character to have regular skill rank so i'm free to write this post.
And who are you win zaw?can put your real name-.-
I have realise that some of my last year classmates when i see them,some act like don't know me.
Isiz true that people retain will lose their older friends?
I'm kinda fuckdup by their action.
Nvm i shall not care much about these people.
Ohya Naruto Shuppuiden 53&54 is out^^
Gotta go,bye=)
10:26:00 PM