25 jan sleeping from 11+am~5pm,kevin called me to go pasir ris with him to accompany yishi-.-
So we went there and accompany her for goodness sake.
After 2 hours went Mac eat then went red house there see awhile and went to tiong accompany yong kee take bus-.-actually i can go home straight away de lor-.-
26 jan acutally 2.45pm i should be playing Bball with dylan they all but in the end i went to sleep till night,just stoning at home,at night 8pm~10pm went eating at GWC yoshinoya with yong kee,thanks for accompany me YONG DAO HU^^
27 jan now stoning......around 4pm should be going out with zhao hong and gangs buying soccer ball and playing @ Ssc.
i think that's all i've to write,gotta go bye=)
Ohhya and stop irritate me you should know who you are.
10:08:00 AM
"God of Death"
Hmmmm yesterday went school but after PE,i have stomach pain so went to sick bay till 12.55 then i went home.After that i felt better than went playing Bball with jasmine and yong kee at Leng kee cc=)
After that we went buying bubble teas and bread,then went to henderson because someone told jasmine that they are there but in the end we saw no one we knows-.-
Then went comic shop uncle there lend poker cards and went to somewhere near the BM library play Big 2,i lose the most-.-
Finish playing went eating,then chit-chat a little,then went home le,after a while wei kuen call me out and we went drinking beer,smoking and talk about the past,me and him love the past,it's so fun at that time but now all have dunno go where liao,Now i know i know wei kuen for 10 years hahaha 10 years Of brothership!!!!!Huat ar!!!!^^
Later going play Bball with lot of people i think if i'm not wrong.
Anyway gotta go=D bye.
12:25:00 PM
Jeff Hardy For Live!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm..... today didn't went school again,it's kinda pointless for me to go school.
Went queensway with wee teck makan and was trying to find wei kuen but then he didn't picku p our call and he wasn't working today-.-
So we went back my house called wei kuen and he pick up,and said he didn't work today,we was like WTF,we search for so long,but nvm after that went to his house chat a while then went chinatown,makan again then went cyber play till 10.
After that gone HQ play pool haha=)
So long never go out with u all le,i was so damn happy!!!
7 years Brother!!!!!!!!! haha.
Gotta go byebye.
1:24:00 AM
After that went playing basketball at T-net,so suay sia rain,but i continue playing haha,they think that i'm very emo at that time but i wasn't just that too long never play Bball le and was thinking of stuffs.
Kanna hit alot of time by jasmine and yong kee-.-i play Bball not let you all hit de leh^^
Then after play pei yong kee take bus 64 and i went home,so tired and hand& my back is kinda injured haiz....Heng it's minor haha.
AND Destiny this song is nice!!!!!!!!!! muahaha,i think i gotta go bye=)
12:08:00 AM
6:29:00 AM
And my hair isn't long,crap sia, stupid teacher catch my hair,k'nn.And PLEASE not fierce don't act fierce la-.-
Kinda bored at class,almost all the people in the class i don't know de,and some are like kinda childish?Even the teacher too,like a bit no brain,setting craps rules.
Just watch finish "斗牛要不要 Ep 7". Must watch=) very nice.
Sian if today hair kanna caught they gonna cut my hair,but i won't let that happen^^
Today after should be going queensway collect my pri class T-shirt^^ hehe
And Ace camp at march,so fast sia....
45mins more to go school,Sianzation=(
Anyway g2g,bye.
Face down lyrics
Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy
one look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.
Cover up with make up in the mirror
tell yourself, it's never gonna happen again
you cry alone and then he swears he loves you.
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down.
I see the way you go and say you're right again,
say you're right again
heed my lecture
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
Face down in the dirt, she said,
this doesn't hurt, she said,
I finally had enough.
One day she will tell you that she has had enough
it's coming round again.
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
Face down in the dirt, she said,
this doesn't hurt, she said,
I finally had enough.
by:The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
6:18:00 AM