Got one person ask me what's my dream?
I don't know how to answer.
Maybe i don't have any dream.
By the fact i don't know what is dream,what a joke haha.
A miracle will happen if you found a firefly in an autumn season is it true?
What miracle would you all wish if you really have a chance to create one?
Haiz.....o ya i almost forget i cut my hair and pierce my 2nd ear hole..
Should i go school?Even if i go school also nothing to do.
AND And yesterday went to kster with oenry,serene and xiao pang.
Then went to play soccer with jian dong,oenry,xiao pang,ming hui,arthur.
My life is cut shorten.
8:51:00 PM
Today exam exam exam...MT and english paper 1.Hope i will pass.
After school went to have ENG CA paper.(summary writing)
Straight after that i went home and slack.
Kinda bored as i thought.
How i wish my life is full of event...
Anyway i saw my CA report card and the day i never go school is 31 numbers of day late is 3,actually is more than 10.
Finding my ownself.
7:17:00 PM
In fact most of you already leave me alone.
Most of you are all avoiding me,am i that irritating or what?
If i am i think i shall disappear.
I'm always moody,do anyone care?I don't think so,Mouth said you care but in your heart do you really care?
Now i know why people will from love change to hate.
Love a person is hard,but hate a person is simple.
I've been crying,i'm too sad even medicine can't cure me.
Even if i go school,i'll always be lonely.
I rather everyone tell me the truth that you don't like me than acting.
I really feel like leaving this untrue world.
Crying while i'm typing all my Emo post.
10:11:00 PM
My fever will suddenly shot up and down so weird-.-
Don't care la,never go out much,just went to eat and came back.
Anyone introduce me some great songs!!!!!
Currently blasting songs because of the songka below my house so irritating.
I wish my funeral won't have this stupid chanting things,rather than pop songs and techno=)
Not feeling well right now gtg bye.
10:16:00 PM
Just can't tolerate childishness, bullying people or whatever mother fucking bad way of treating people.
What are friends for?can anyone tell me?
Isiz going out having fun?
If that's the answer i can i say i have very few friends.
I'm stoning at home everyday,so fucking bored.
Study,what for study?for money?for your own fucking future?bullshit man.
Now everybody busying study.
I hate my family,i hate all those people who accuse me.
Why can't i live normally,like you all?
I don't know why i keep thinking of lots of things,not like you all play play,study study.
I just can't do that.
I don't know what's wrong with me man.
Damn mother fucking hot now.
i think i shall end here.
I don't know what i'm thinking,i really don't know.
6:57:00 PM
So haha what's life man?
Zhao hong your right,if i didn't shift i won't know you all,but i'm bored with this kind of life.
I wanna change my life,i don't want to be so bored,i rather be busy haiz....
What if you all lost everything in my life?
What will you all do??haiz...
I shall end here.
I could lost everything if everything goes bad.
10:42:00 PM
School sucks man...
Thinking what if i never shift my house when i'm young,will i know all my friends now??
Maybe i'll be happier or more miserable or maybe already dead right now.
There a song called"其实你懂我" very nice ☺
Everything aren't on my way.
Maybe my life is ruin haha.
What's my daily routine?
Sleep,use cpu,listen to music,rot and sleep again.
Everyday i'm doing the same things,it's SO DARN BORED
I wish i had no remorse
9:26:00 PM
Then went to bukit merah cause shermin wanna return comic to uncle but he's closed on sunday,so we took bus 131 to habourfront and took the sentosa bus.
Then went to sentosa and play,play volleyball and soccer.
We saw a monitor lizard and i was like curious so i went near it=)
After sentosa we went to habourfront then they saw lin jun jie so went to see,and i was like sian 1/2
But got fiona pei me^^haha,Then went to eat,after that yen found out that she got sunburn and she felt tired and wanna go home so we go home lor^^
Anyway kinda have fun there:D
Gotta end here bye☻
Freak out people is my job ☺=X
7:00:00 PM
(DEAD SILENCE Mary Shaw (Judith Roberts), a ventriloquist accused of the murder of a young boy. She was hunted down by vengeful townspeople who tore out her tongue and killed her. They buried her along with her "children", a hand-made collection of vaudeville dolls.)
Later on then blog now nothing to blog about=)
Just replying Hell who is mary shaw
And BTW Hell the my nickname for Muonline
I've use it for 5 years already haha.
Everyone in chinatown cyber cafe call me "Hell"
But i change it to ac3kzer=)
3 blog nia need more blog put it in youtube make it a public video.=X
And put it in,
from whom I do not know
telling me to beware
for you are in for a scare
I look around
and I see
a bright shiny knife
looking at me
in the darkness of the night
it floats
looking for victims to scare
an axe also is what I see
floating above me
looking for the one who is in for a scare
They look around
and who do they see,
they see me looking toward them
they knew I was in for a scare
so they come charging after me
I run
to the door
The door I close
into the door
the knife and the axe go
and to this day
they still remain
Many don't believe
they say I am Psycho
but what should I say
is what they don't know
the axe and the knife
is after them
to give them a scare
as they did me
5:25:00 PM
Sorry everyone waiting for this video so that i can finish this post haha=)
I went to jie min chalet then we all have fun there,didn't do much on the bbq side but on playstation^^
Boon keat was one weakest drinker i ever seen=x
He really drunk off easily,haha next time sure ask you out for drink de=XX
After chalet i went home and had a long sleep,hehe.
And today went to see 1408 with alvin it's quite a nice show haha all go watch=]
I shall end here=)
Beware the stare of maryshaw,she had no children only dolls,and if you see her in your dream be sure that you never ever SCREAM!
10:17:00 PM