So bored in class and had a change in FORM and BUDDY form coach then i was like WTF,i don't wanna the form and buddy teachers now.
English teachers also change=.=To mr ng and mrs phua,i knew from that start mrs phua will teach us.
Things have change after the reopen.And wtf why some classes have air-con and some don't have?It's so not fair to students la.
Today straight after school i went home and sleep till 12 am.Cause didn't sleep for the whole day and went to school.
Do age,height,weight really matter when you're in love with?
Why can't some people grow up keep calling people's parent name.
Secondary 3 already la please grow up.
After 45mins from now i will be going to school and see some sickos and some stupid teachers.
My hair kanna caught today,i was like huh?! what's wrong with my hair?But i heck care la want cut my hair?No way!!
After returning to school,life getting bored and irritating with some dumbass inside my class.
I wanna faster get out of this school and go polytechnic.
5:56:00 AM
GirlZz Gathering And eatting(:
XiaoB feeding ABel
Fanning the Charcoal.Very HOt!!!!
Chalet unit number^^
Smelly Bastard^^hahaa
Btw all the photo most are taken by me that's why so less picture of me.
Finally came back from the 3days-2night chalet of 604!!!
Having lotzz of fun there^^.
All slacking there playing mahjong,poker,etc.
This chalet is quite fun^^.
We actually went to the red house 2times and went in 1 time cos of some stupid noisy stranger creating a lot of noise there.
The 2nd time we went in,and i got my leg injured,now still hurting:((
Starting all climb in le,so me and alvin went first cos i went b4 then me,edward and zhao hong heard something like mmmmmm,argh!!!Then i heard women laughing.Not very creepy haha to me la!
Then kevin(very got guts de don't dare go in the house with the wooden stick)so i went in first then followed by the others,Don't dare means don't dare la tell people go in first-.-''
Then we went out by the back gate^^.
Actually at chalet we shouldn't be sleeping but all are tired so take a few hours of rest.
Starting all the people play true/dare but then dunno why suddenly the girl don't wanna play and left the boys.
Kevin so fucking suay lor everytime kanna haha!!
The last day we went to take bus 5 and took 1 hour++ to reach tiong.(52 bus stops!!!!)
Then we went eating at kopitiam and i went home.
Serene called me ask if i wanna play badminton and lend them 6 rackets.
Starting I'm think i where got so many rackets but in the end i have more then 6.=x
So we went playing,then they went to my house watching fantastic 4,but half way xiaoB,serene,kailin went buying present,so left me,edward,zhao hong and abel @ my house.
And i actually fell asleep^@^hehe...
I can't say this chalet is perfect but It's fun!!!!!
And for those people who say wanna come and never come,Freak u man!!!!
Say want to come,then come la,don't give excuses please.Is like wth la liar!!!!
I'm not angry with you all but remember to come when it's esp a chalet,there's lots of fun waiiting lor-.-'
Nevermind la the chalet also over le^^
Everyone study hard!!!!!Kanpateh!!!!!
Hope to have another chalet soon and ALL MUST cOmE esp Mrs quek just put down the things to do and relax for a few days,it's ain't hard to do that(:
Sign Off ψεǐL⊙∏g a.k.a Ac3kzer!!!
10:51:00 PM
Tml going Serene house to season the foods.
Monday gonna get my IC and ready to go for the long waited chalet,hope it would be a fantastic chalet(:
So fast holidays gonna end i hope it would never end.
If want to hate a person hate to the core,if want to love a person love to the core!!!
5:45:00 AM
Today went to buy bbq things with zhao hong,edward,kevin,serene,kailin and bee lian.
Buy quite a few bags and it only cost $30+.
3 more days to chalet and take my IC!!!!
Byul/star this song is so nice xP.(a very touching song)
@ 10+ went watching Fantastic 4 with jiansheng,zhaohong and kevin.
Quite funny and unrealistic.
Tomorrow going to support vivianne in teenage icon @ IMM.
Wish you all the best vivianne!!!!Kanpateh!!!!!
Happy belated birthday to Jiunjia!!!!!
Now i'm facing the fact and choose not to hide behind le.
Think positive is good but in the other hand think negative is also good too^^.
Had a hard time enlarging my ear hole so hard lor and pain.haha but nvm just abit pain only(:
5:06:00 AM
Yesterday went to Sentosa with kailing,kevin,serene and bee lian.
Quite fun la but kanna sun burn=.=''
Serene damn funny sia di siao her then she will say "aaaaa,i angry liao."haha so funny la
Then we will reply"bbbb,i also angry liao^^"
When just went there it's almost raining le but then we don't care and just went to rent bike and cycle.
Kevin ytd prey suay god,ride awhile nia type pongjek,haha^^
Today went orchard with kevin,pearlyn and qing ling.
Qing ling so cold lor never talk de=.=''
Then we wait for this 2 BIG girl shop finish le kevin start to laugh like siao liao le.
And i brought a enlarge and now trying to enlarge my ear hole.
So bored now sia....I can't forget the feeling a had for you.=(
I really wanna be with u but i can't cause,u don't like me.
Even your are with me,it's pointless.
I know you don't wanna give me false hope that's why u are so cold to me right?Or you just dun wanna talk to me.
But i just wanna be friends with you is that hard?
Hope that u could treat me like a normal friends.
10:26:00 PM
Believe me i really like u.But i don't know whether you will give me a chance anot but even if you don't like me i'm ok with it^^.Really.
I know it's hard to believe that i'll like you cause is like we've not talk for quite a long time.
Can you give me chance?
7:54:00 PM
As normal once wake up i felt bored cause there's nothing better to do just playing games and listen to music,searching Drama...
Intro me new Drama i'm so bored wanna watch drama but i can't find any nice drama-.-
13 more days to chalet.I'm not excited as maybe there will be quarreling or fighting.but i don't think so la cause 5,6 04 is a very good class^^haha.
Urging to go back to court and play the whole day like when i'm primary4~sec 2 haiz....
Don't know what happen to me,I really wish to play Bball and badminton again.
I miss my training=(
I think i have not much possibility to be with you right?
I hate myself.why my look so fierce WHY!!!
Why i'm so serious about anything!!!
Why i'm so emo!!!
Everyone makes mistake,why can't forgive when they make a minor mistakes?
Why some people are so stubborn?
Why some people are so irritating?
Why some people like to act retard?
Haiz... too many question to ask.
Can a person really change when he/she want to change?
How to change?
Am i bad?I may look like gangster but i'm not,will a gangster talk properly to people or care for people?
Gangster isn't=pai kia
Why some people just don't know how to appreciate?
Haiz... Some people just act like a kid don't know how to think...
How i wish the world is peace and perfect.
6:48:00 AM
This slipper style right,i wonder where to buy it...
The same old day sleep in the morning,wake up at night about 8pm+.
Then play maple haiz... now i'm a maple noob lvl 33 dexless sindit^^.
After that alvin came my house then we went eating around 1 a.m.
When leaving my house i saw jeremy,eng teng and kelvin kanna spot check by police so suay lor haha.Jeremy put tattoo sia^^.
I can't sleep well often,maybe too stress or thinking of someone.
I'm so bored after waking up,i wish i'll never wake up like i'm a dead person.
The moment i wake up in mind there's a word "SIAN".
ErzHu & XiAoZHu gonna work tMr @ clementi wor,Selling ice cream-.-''.
Hope there no troublemaker there^^.
I LOVE this SONG!!!!"一起飞".
5:27:00 AM
古惑仔 Playlist!!!
Yesterday and today is like almost the same day sleep in the morning and wake up @ afternoon/evening..
I can't sleep well keep thinking will her accept me.
I'll try to have faith in myself^^.
Gonna eat breakfast soon,then go sleep le.
16 more days to chalet^^how i wish if she can come,i'll be really very happy if she come.
This sentence i own self think de no quoting^^:"A real paikia will love his love ones."
Do anyone know the real meaning of "solitude"?I only know it's not lonely,can anyone tell me the real meaning?
6:37:00 AM